Calvin and Hobbes yoyos
These yoyo's were designed and made for MIT's "2.008 - Design and Manufacturing II" course. The course introduced us to modern manufacturing with four areas of emphasis: manufacturing processes, equipment/control, systems, and design for manufacturing. We explored the integration of engineering and management disciplines for determining manufacturing rate, cost, quality and flexibility. The major topics we covered were process physics, equipment design and automation/control, quality, design for manufacturing, industrial management, and systems design and operation.
Team Project:
The goal of this project was to design and make a unique yoyo. Our Calvin and Hobbes yoyo consisted of two injection molded parts, a thermoformed insert, and two laser cut pieces. To make the molds for the injection molded and thermoformed parts, we CADed the pieces in SolidWorks, created the tool paths with MasterCAM, and machined on a CNC Bridgeport Mill and CNC lathe.
I was responsible for designing and making of the thermoform mold. The mold was made from aluminum and had the vacuum holes drilled by hand. The vacuum holes were added to help with the thermo forming. The mounting pins were press fit so that the inserts could be sheered off after being thermoformed. The mold was designed so that the lip of the piece could be sheered to the different diameters just in case there was variation in injection molding.
Please see the link below for even more information about the project.
Team Project:
The goal of this project was to design and make a unique yoyo. Our Calvin and Hobbes yoyo consisted of two injection molded parts, a thermoformed insert, and two laser cut pieces. To make the molds for the injection molded and thermoformed parts, we CADed the pieces in SolidWorks, created the tool paths with MasterCAM, and machined on a CNC Bridgeport Mill and CNC lathe.
I was responsible for designing and making of the thermoform mold. The mold was made from aluminum and had the vacuum holes drilled by hand. The vacuum holes were added to help with the thermo forming. The mounting pins were press fit so that the inserts could be sheered off after being thermoformed. The mold was designed so that the lip of the piece could be sheered to the different diameters just in case there was variation in injection molding.
Please see the link below for even more information about the project.